Strategies & Approaches

ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & ISO 45001

ISO 9001:2015

ISO 14001:2015

ISO 45001:2018

QHSE Policy

  • SIAC is committed to keep its active participation in local and international markets in the field of construction. This is achieved through following all local and international applicable laws and regulations taking into Account the clients' requirements and all other relevant requirements through the introduction of necessary modifications and continual improvement.


  • SIAC announces its commitments/pledges as follows:

- Providing all services/ works in high quality with competitive prices.

- Maintaining customer satisfaction.

- Planning & implementing actions to address risks & opportunities for increasing the efficiency / effectiveness of Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental management systems and achieving improved results.

- The continual improvement in Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems.

- Protecting the health and safety of its employees and preventing environmental pollution during all stages of the execution of the works.

 Applying all applicable precautions to minimize fatalities, accidents, losses and emissions that may affect the environment.

- Carrying out all procedures to minimize fatalities, accidents, losses and minimizing emissions that may affect the environment.

- Spreading the culture of proactively minimizing the impact of Company operations on HSE.

- Elemination of hazards and reduction of OH&S Risks.

- Consultation and participation of workers.


  • SIAC believes that these goals can be realized through the implementation, maintenance and development of the following management systems.

- ISO 9001 Quality Management System.

- ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems.

- ISO 45001 Occupational Healths and Safety Management System.


  • SIAC emphasizes that its objectives include maintaining and continual improvement of its high quality performance standards to attain customer satisfaction and timely perform its commitments and services with integrity and competitive prices. In order to achieve these objectives, SIAC focuses on the selection of the most qualified personnel, recruit, train and continuously develop them. On the other hand, SIAC takes all the necessary actions to assure the commitment to its standards by its vendors, suppliers, service providers and subcontractors, this to achieve the required quality in its services and final products.


  • Accordingly, the implementation and enforcement of the procedures documented in the Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental Management manuals has the unconditional, unlimited and complete support and control of SIAC top management.
Eng. Nehad Ragab


Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a process that involves creating and using an intelligent 3D model to represent the physical and functional characteristics of a building facility. This model includes the structural, architectural, MEP and IT characteristics of the building, which facilitates the full coordination of the various construction activities and eliminates any clashes, resulting in pushing the progress of a project and decreasing the cost.

Design, visualization, simulation, and collaboration enabled by BIM solutions provide greater clarity for all stakeholders across a project lifecycle. BIM makes it easier to achieve project and business goals.

The building information models become shared knowledge resources to support decision-making in respect of a facility from earliest conceptual stages, through design and construction, through its operational life and eventual demolition.

Human Resources

We believe that people are our most valuable asset. Therefore, every opportunity is taken to hire, train and employ only the most talented and experienced people fitting into our culture, SIAC’s culture.
Furthermore, SIAC applies extensive training programs and career path development based upon the appraisal of individuals.

Our aim is to create an Organization with a culture that cares for the employees, promotes their performance and makes them feel different and proud.

Health, Safety & Environment

SIAC’s commitment of honor holds the management responsible for the effective management of Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) issues as an integral part of our policies and procedures.
Our aim is to have clean operations that safeguard our employees and other people from any harm, and minimize damage to local and global environment.

Our HSSE Objectives are:
  • Eliminate Fatalities
  • Avoid lost time incidents
  • Prevent accidents affecting the continuity of the site operations
  • Minimize any harm to not only our environment, but also to the global environment

HSE Policy Statement

“SIAC recognizes that the protection of the health and safety of its employees and the others, involved in or affected by its activities, and the protection of the natural environment constitute an integral part of the Company’s business performance and a prime responsibility of our entire workforce at every level. Within Egypt and in any other country, where activities related to the venture are carried out, the Company is committed to achieve World Class HSE performance in accordance with good construction practices.”

SIAC, with all its project, will particularly:

Aim to make continuous improvements in its safety and environmental management system so that accidents are reduced, pollution abated and environmental emissions and wastes prevented.

Require our contractors and sub-contractors to demonstrate the same level of commitment SIAC applies, to continue enhancing the standards of care for health, safety and the environment.

Establish a framework for a regular review of HSE objectives and targets.

Ensure compliance with the policy through a process of education, review and audit.

SIAC INTENDS TO ACCOMPLISH THESE OBJECTIVES THROUGH: A well-defined organization with a clear effective system of communication. Emphasis will be placed on ensuring the involvement of everyone affected by our activities.


It is vital that all employees of SIAC are charged with the responsibility of working safely and protecting themselves, their colleagues, others and the environment. Contractors will be made aware of this policy and the need to work to similar standards. A safety culture will be promoted to increase the level of awareness and to encourage the prevention of accidents and damage to the environment.


All staff will be given effective operational training to cover both normal working conditions and emergencies.


Reports, analyses and communication concerning the result of incidents represent an essential part of the process, allowing us to gain experience and prevent recurrences. We will promote activities to ensure continuous consultation on matters concerning health, safety and environment.


It is acknowledged that incidents happen, therefore contingent plans must be established to minimize risk to staff and those likely to be affected by our operations, as well as the environment and property.


These will be prepared within a quality management system framework in order to improve safety standards and to reduce the risk of incidents.

Finally, SIAC will regularly review the content of the policy and ensure proper and timely application of the policy within the Company.

  • Comply with the relevant legislation and approved codes of practice, improving on the performance standards they specify where it is reasonably practicable and co-operate fully with enforcement agencies and non- statutory bodies of Egypt in undertaking its duties.
  • Develop and maintain effective contingency plans.
  • Assess the environmental and industrial hygiene, health and safety impacts of its activities and manage the associated risks.
  • Provide direction, training and supervision where appropriate to enable its employees to meet their obligation to work safely and with consideration for the health and safety of others and for the natural environment.

Cost Control

SIAC applies a detailed cost control system in all its projects that involves all different phases since tender preparation:

Tendering Phase; this involves a detailed and comprehensive study and analysis of all direct and indirect costs for each item in order to reach the most competitive bidding rates.

Execution Phase: Close monitoring of the project costs and resource allocation, including a comparative study referred to the project’s revised execution plan in order to define and update any differences.

Periodic Reports: the Cost control system requires issuance of periodic reports illustrating the comparative study and cost variances for all direct and indirect items in order to take any necessary action to keep matters on the right track and benefit from this experience in future projects.

Procurement Management

In order to maintain the required level of performance and meet customer satisfaction, SIAC carefully choose their subcontractors and suppliers through a restricted system for evaluation and selection according to known qualification criteria. This system is periodically updated to sustain only the subcontractors and suppliers who can meet our criteria.

Balanced Scorecard

SIAC is in the process of implementing the Balanced Scorecard System. The Balanced Scorecard is considered one of the most advanced strategic tools implemented to manage and monitor the corporate performance and update short & long term strategies through measuring the Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) from Financial, Customer, Internal Processes and Human Capital Perspectives for the company, departments, projects and even individuals. Actually it's a highly efficient tool to link the daily tasks of individuals to the strategic directions of the company.


SIAC implements SAP as an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software that integrates finance, tendering, technical, operations, supply chain, schedule, progress, cost control and other information into a form for easy retrieval by all departments for use in improving company's efficiency.


Our quality management is a philosophy, a set of tools and a process whose output yields not only client satisfaction, but stake holder satisfaction and continuous improvement. It espouses a "win-win" attitude, differentiates cost versus price, and provides added value.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Corporate Social Responsibility is part of SIAC's vision and strategy; the sustained growth and responsible development of the Company and the society of which we form a part, is an inherent principle in all the activities we develop.

SIAC has worked over the recent years on developing a culture based on sustainable development and corporate responsibility.

We mention here some of our activities in this aspect:
  • Sponsoring events of caring and developing the disabled people.
  • Sponsoring events of environmental protection and sustainability.